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As we creep closer to October, we creep closer to fancy new Soul to Call prints! In the meantime have a sneak preview of what you can expect from this year's bundle, and remember that you can still grab one for yourself if you become a patron before October.


More new Spiderforest comics! Whether familial, platonic or romantic, these new comics explore bonds that can't be broken, no matter the journey.

Patchwork and Lace
Patchwork and Lace - They escaped life alone. Now they’ll fight for life together.

Runaway Drakaina
Runaway Drakaina - Two best friends face a world of magic, freedom, and the troubles of attempting to understand both.

The Quest of Casey Tailor
The Quest of Casey Tailor - For better or worse everything changes and nothing lasts forever. A story of magic, adventure and sibling bonds.

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